Some of our stories may be curated from other stories and content we discover in our research on a story.
Like the curators in a museum, our writers and editors reference other news and other websites and sometimes, they base their story entirely on the best material available. Every story passed through our editorial process, with the aim of bringing top quality, well-written, and highly relevant material to our readers.
When we curate content, we excerpt small pieces of text from the originating site, and mark it – usually in a blockquote. We also include a reference link back to the original story and sometimes we will show the original writer’s name. This allows our readers to visit the original site.
Most publishers are happy to receive additional exposure and readership for their content as a result of our curation.
We reasons we curate are to illustrate a point, comment on an item, debate, or discuss a subject. We excerpt your content to inform our visitors, and to point then to the original source of the excerpt.
Our readers and our team use social sharing to reach more people, so your excepted content may be seen by many more people every day.
We support and work with “Fair Use” standards and practices, even though the legal definitions are still evolving online.
Did we excerpt one of your stories?
If you are reading this because we excerpted a small amount of your text, now you know that we value your work and we are pointing our readers to it. If you wish us not to curate content from your site, please contact us, using the Contact page, and request your content be taken down.
We quickly comply with takedown requests, and add those sites to our list of sites never to excerpt from.
Want to excerpt our stories?
If you want to curate one of our stories, please feel free to excerpt it, just as we do. In return please give us clear credit, link back to the original story, and encourage interested readers to visit our original content.
That is what we do.
Evolving Curation Standards
Sharing and curation and excerpting standards are still evolving online. Our standards of may very well differ from yours.
If you want us to be even more generous with links and credit let us know. If you feel your story has had too much excerpted, let us know.
We also publish user generated content. We ask our web site users to also follow these curation guidelines, but cannot police every single submission.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Although every story passes through our editorial process, we are human and sometimes make a mistake.
If you’re a copyright owner & would like material removed from our site, please read our DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) policy and takedown procedure.